Table II.
Repeated Measures ANOVA for Standard Scores (SS) as a Function of Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised (SIB-R) Cluster, Time, and Sex
Effect | df | Error | F | P-value | ηp2 |
Sex | 1.00 | 74.00 | 4.16 | .045 | .05 |
SIB-R Cluster | 2.31 | 170.80 | 64.30 | < .001 | .46 |
Time | 1.00 | 74.00 | 36.41 | < .001 | .33 |
SIB-R Cluster * Sex | 2.31 | 170.80 | 0.20 | .85 | .00 |
Time * Sex | 1.00 | 74.00 | 8.26 | .005 | .10 |
SIB-R Cluster * Time | 2.28 | 169.09 | 89.58 | < .001 | .55 |
SIB-R Cluster * Time * Sex | 2.28 | 169.09 | 5.27 | .004 | .07 |
Note. Greenhouse-Geisser estimates were reported