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. 2016 Aug 1;97(8):1919–1928. doi: 10.1002/ecy.1452

Table 1.

The candidate covariates used to resolve the population trajectory of Macaroni Penguins at Bird Island, South Georgia

Process and covariate Data availability Reference of effect
Survival (fledging)
Predation pressure 2001–2012 Horswill et al. (2014)
Sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTa) 1985–2012 Horswill et al. (2014)
Survival (>1 yr)
Predation pressure 2001–2012 Horswill et al. (2014)
SSTa 1985–2012 Horswill et al. (2014)
Female arrival mass 1989–2012 Crawford et al. (2006)
Predation 2001–2012 Le Bohec et al. (2003)
SSTa 1985–2012 Chambers (2004)
Southern Annular Mode (SAM) 1985–2012 Forcada and Trathan (2009)
El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) 1985–2012 Chambers (2004)
Intraspecific competition 1985–2012 Baylis et al. (2013)
Interspecific competition 1985–2012 Trathan et al. (2012)

The lengths of available time series are also illustrated in Appendix S3.