Fig. 5.
Histological identification of microinjection sites. A: coronal section at a level 2.76 mm caudal to the bregma showing a Lumafluor microinjection site in the ARCN (arrow); the center of the spot was 0.5 mm lateral to the midline and 9.8 mm deep from the dura. B: coronal section at a level 1.32 mm caudal to the bregma showing a Lumafluor microinjection site in the PVN (arrow); the center of the spot was 0.4 mm lateral to the midline and 7.7 mm deep from the dura. C: coronal section at a level 2.92 mm caudal to the bregma showing a Lumafluor microinjection site in the DMN; the center of the spot was 0.7 mm lateral to the midline and 8.7 mm deep from the dura. A–C: bar = 500 μm each. D–I: drawings of coronal sections 1.92–3.72 mm caudal to the bregma showing the ARCN microinjection sites as dark squares. G: DMN microinjection sites (dark triangles) at this level. J–O: drawings of coronal sections 0.72–2.04 mm caudal to the bregma, showing the PVN microinjection sites as dark circles. P–T: drawings of coronal sections 2.40–3.60 mm caudal to the bregma showing the DMN microinjection sites as dark triangles. D–T: scale bar = 1 mm each; each symbol represents a site in one animal. f, fornix; ARCN, arcuate nucleus; DMN, dorsomedial nucleus; PVN, paraventricular nucleus.