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. 2016 Fall;15(3):ar48. doi: 10.1187/cbe.16-01-0062

Table 4.

Descriptive information for continuous study variables (N = 109)

Minimum Maximum Mean SD Scale range
SAT Math 600 800 696.2 47.53 200–800
SAT Verbal 430 790 628.4 68.20 200–800
SAT Writing 440 800 632.9 79.41 200–800
High school GPA (weighted) 3.2 4.6 4.1 0.30 0–5
Cohort (year of entry) 2010 2013 2011.8 0.95 n/a
Sense of community (Summer Bridge)a 1.8 4.0 3.5 0.39 1–4
Perceived benefit of program elements (freshman year)b 1.7 4.0 3.4 0.49 1–4
Science identity (sophomore year)c 2.2 5.0 4.1 0.64 1–5
Research self-efficacy (sophomore year)c 2.0 5.0 3.8 0.68 1–5

aItems coded on a four-point scale of 1 = not at all to 4 = completely.

bItems coded on a four-point scale of 1 = not at all useful to 4 = very useful.

cItems coded on a five-point scale of 1 = not at all confident to 5 = absolutely confident.