Figure 4.
Time-courses of beta (15–25 Hz) and alpha (8–13 Hz) suppression in the bilateral mouth motor cortex (BA6) and auditory regions (BA41, 13), respectively, compared across AWS and FS. All windows and time-points of interest are indicated on the top plot. Speech preparation (PREP) was defined from stimulus presentation to the speech cue (0–1 s) in the stimulus-locked dataset (A). Speech execution (EXEC) was defined from the speech onset to participant specific beta event-related desynchronization (ERD) offset time in the speech-locked dataset (B). A window of beta synchronization (event-related synchronization, ERS) is indicated preceding the stimulus presentation, as well as the corresponding ERS onset and offset times (A, top). ERD onset time is marked for the purpose of the latency analysis in Section “Group Comparisons of Alpha and Beta Power Suppression Latencies”.