Figure 3. Flow chart of the telomere replication timing analysis.
First, the 5 S-sub-phases are divided into 4 periods, corresponding to the 5 S-sub-phase intervals: (Early S (E S), Early middle S (Em S), Middle S (M S), Late middle S (Lm S) and Late S (L S)). Second, the mean replication timing is calculated as a function of the length of each period (PD-dependent) and the percentage of replication in each period: more details are provided in Fig. 2D for each telomere for each PD studied. Third, each telomere is classified according to its mrt into 6 categories (from a replication timing of very early S to very late S, hour-dependent). These categories are PD-dependent as they depend on S-Sub-phase length. This system allows the comparison of each telomere according to its replication status between PDs and chromosomes.