Urinary profiles of KIM-1, miR-21, -200c, and -423 in APAP-induced kidney injury. Levels of miR-21, -200c, and -423 and KIM-1 were measured in urine from healthy controls (n = 65) as well as in patients with an APAP-OD (n = 70). Within latter group approximately 62% of the patients developed clinically proven AKI (50% increase in SCr). MiRNA levels and KIM-1 concentrations were normalized to urinary creatinine. A, Both data sets were log2 transformed and presented as box plots (median with inter quartile range) with 5th and 95th percentile as whiskers. T-test was used for P-value calculation: *P < .004. B, Table with absolute levels as medians (interquartile range) of arbitrary miRNA levels (×10−2; 2−ΔCt normalized by UCr) or absolute KIM-1 concentration (pg/mg urinary creatinine). UCr, urinary creatinine.