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. 2016 Sep 1;16(1):920. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3591-y

Table 1.

Background characteristics of the participants aged 18–85 years

Met the criteriaa Did not meet the criteria Did not wear accelerometer p-valueb
n = 1587 n = 263 n = 190
Sex Men, % 42.6 41.4 42.6 0.939
Women, % 57.4 58.6 57.4
Age group 18–29, % 5.3 5.0 3.7 0.264
30–39, % 14.7 12.2 13.7
40–49, % 22.9 22.8 22.1
50–59, % 22.5 17.1 21.6
60–69, % 20.4 24.7 26.3
70–85, % 14.2 18.3 12.6
Education No vocational education, % 10.8 14.8 8.7 0.025
Vocational education, % 62.1 66.4 66.8
University degree, % 27.1 18.8 24.5
Missing (n) 87 13 6
Marital status Cohabited, % 76.2 67.6 81.0 0.003
Single, % 23.8 32.4 19.0
Missing (n) 87 13 6
Perceived health Good, % 47.7 38.8 42.9 0.022
Fairly good/poor, % 52.3 61.2 57.1
Missing (n) 88 13 6
Perceived fitness Good, % 40.8 30.2 33.7 0.002
Fairly good/poor, % 59.2 69.8 66.3
Missing (n) 94 15 6
HEPA Met the whole recommendationc, % 12.2 8.6 13.9 0.046
Met aerobic part, % 28.3 22.0 28.9
Met musculoskeletal part, % 11.0 9.8 8.6
Did not meet the recommendation, % 48.6 59.6 48.7
Missing (n) 27 8 3

aat least 4 days, at least 10 h/day


cmet the whole recommendation: moderate intensity aerobic PA for at least 150 min per week, vigorous intensity PA for at least 75 min per week or an equal amount of MVPA spread throughout the week and musculoskeletal activity for at least twice a week [35]