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. 2016 Sep 1;16:917. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3542-7

Table 1.

Raw and weighted demographics

Raw data Weighted sample
All participants Higher Risk Drinkers All participants Higher Risk Drinkers
N % N % N % 95 % CIf N % 95 % CIf
Complete Sample 38,624 100 %
Missing data alcohol consumption 252 0.7 %
Sample 38,624 100 % 38,372 99.3 % 10,334 26.9 % of total
Higher risk drinkersa 9717 25.2 % 9717 100 % 10,334 26.9 % 26.4–27.4 10,334 100 %
Sex (female) 18,777 48.6 % 3380 34.8 % 19,588 51.0 % 50.5–51.6 3705 35.8 % 34.8–36.9
Ethnicity (Caucasian)b 31,557 81.7 % 9252 95.2 % 33,080 86.5 % 86.2–86.9 9940 96.6 % 96.2–96.9
Age (16–24 years) 6136 15.9 % 2072 21.3 % 5490 14.3 % 13.9–14.7 1928 18.7 % 17.9–19.4
 25–34 5889 15.2 % 1414 14.6 % 6422 16.7 % 16.3–17.1 1732 16.8 % 15.9–17.6
 35–44 5654 14.6 % 1457 15.0 % 6417 16.7 % 16.3–17.1 1816 17.6 % 16.7–18.4
 45–54 5720 14.8 % 1721 17.7 % 6674 17.4 % 16.9–17.8 2107 20.3 % 19.5–21.3
 55–64 5774 14.9 % 1618 16.7 % 5394 14.0 % 13.7–14.4 1565 15.1 % 14.4–15.9
 65+ 9199 23.8 % 1435 14.8 % 8005 20.8 % 20.4–21.3 1187 11.4 % 10.9–12.1
Life stage (single)c 5665 14.7 % 2120 21.8 % 5443 14.2 % 13.8–14.6 2133 20.6 % 19.8–21.5
 Pre-family 2069 5.4 % 680 7.0 % 2408 6.3 % 6.0–6.7 837 8.1 % 7.5–8.7
 Family 11,330 29.3 % 2441 25.1 % 11,925 30.6 % 30.6–31.6 2856 27.6 % 26.7–28.6
 Post family 19,259 49.9 % 4466 46.0 % 18,575 47.9 % 47.9–49.0 4502 43.6 % 42.5–44.7
NRS Social Graded
 AB 8131 21.1 % 2237 32.0 % 10.403 27.1 % 26.6–27.6 3304 32.0 % 30.9–33.0
 C1 11,854 30.7 % 2034 29.1 % 10,525 27.4 % 26.9–27.9 3025 29.3 % 28.3–30.2
 C2 7962 20.6 % 1594 22.8 % 8438 22.0 % 21.5–22.4 2235 22.5 % 21.6–23.4
 D 6123 15.9 % 723 10.3 % 5782 15.1 % 14.7–15.4 1075 10.4 % 9.8–11.0
 E 4302 11.1 % 406 5.8 % 3255 9.5 % 8.2–8.7 606 5.9 % 5.4–6.3
Government Regione
 East Midlands 3078 8.0 % 626 6.4 % 3334 8.7 % 8.4–9.0 723 7.0 % 6.4–7.6
 Eastern 3468 9.0 % 740 7.6 % 4319 11.2 % 10.9–11.6 992 9.6 % 8.9–10.3
 London 7176 18.6 % 1018 10.5 % 5648 14.7 % 14.4–15.0 885 8.6 % 8.0–9.1
 North East 1986 5.1 % 837 8.6 % 1945 5.1 % 4.8–5.3 851 8.2 % 7.7–8.8
 North West 5655 14.6 % 1883 19.4 % 5081 13.2 % 12.9–13.6 1748 16.9 % 16.2–17.7
 South East 4307 11.2 % 1302 13.4 % 6248 16.3 % 15.8–16.7 1937 18.7 % 17.8–19.7
 South West 3431 9.9 % 803 8.3 % 3950 10.3 % 9.9–10.6 1004 9.7 % 9.0–10.4
 Welsh border 74 0.2 % 12 0.1 % 66 0.2 % 0.1–0.2 12 0.1 % 0.0–0.2
 West Midlands 4429 11.5 % 804 8.3 % 3898 10.2 % 9.8–10.5 754 7.3 % 6.8–7.8
 Yorkshire and the Humber 4767 12.3 % 1692 17.4 % 3907 10.2 % 9.9–10.5 1428 13.8 % 13.2–14.5

aAUDIT score ≥ 8 or AUDIT-C score ≥ 5

bmissing n = 178

cSingle is up to age 39, not married, and no children in household; Pre-family is aged up to 39, married or living with partner, no children in household; Family means children in household; Post-family is aged 40 and above and no children in household (missing n = 49)

dNRS social grades: AB(upper middle and middle class), C1 (lower middle class), C2 (skilled working class), D (working class), E (non working)

emissing: n = 1

f95 % confidence limits