Figure 6. Knockdown of the BAFF and APRIL gene expression blocks augmentation of the antitumor potential of activin A-pretreated DC in vivo.
The APRIL and BAFF genes were knockdown in DC with 1 and 5 MOI of APRIL/TALL-2 and BAFF/TALL-1 shRNA Lentiviral particles and Polybrene (5μg/ml). shRNA Lentiviral particles encoded a scrambled shRNA served as a control. The efficacy of transfection was determined by the levels of protein expression using Western blot (A). (i) Control DC (scrambled shRNA), (ii) DC (scrambled shRNA) treated with ActA (100 ng/ml) and (iii) DC (BAFF+APRIL shRNA) treated with ActA were harvested 48h later, washed and injected in B16-bearing mice (see Fig. 5 legend). Control tumor-bearing mice did not receive DC injections. The tumor size was expressed as the tumor area (mm2) and shown as mean±SEM (B). *, p< 0.05 vs all other groups (two-way ANOVA). All studies consisted of 5–7 mice per group and were independently repeated two times. Tumor-specific CTL were evaluated as described in Fig. 5 legend, and IFN-γ levels were determined by ELISA. (C) (*, p < 0.05 vs other groups, Two way ANOVA, n=3).