Table A.10. Intrahousehold Resource Allocations (Older Siblings Only).
Effects of Own vs. Sibling IOC Treatment on Vaccinations and Breastfeeding Behavior
Vaccinations | Breastfed for more than 6 mos. |
No. of polio doses | No. of DPT doses | Measles | No. of total vaccinations |
Own IOC Treatment Exposure | 0.413*** (0.139) |
0.463*** (0.153) |
0.117** (0.0527) |
0.987*** (0.322) |
0.0913** (0.0387) |
Older Siblings’ IOC Treatment Exposure (Additive) |
0.218** (0.102) |
0.198* (0.105) |
0.0736* (0.0370) |
0.475** (0.223) |
0.0513 (0.0338) |
1(Female) | 0.101 (0.0654) |
0.126** (0.0615) |
0.0301 (0.0306) |
0.265* (0.143) |
0.0113 (0.0229) |
1(Age 1) | 0.892*** (0.183) |
0.888*** (0.194) |
0.665*** (0.0851) |
2.461*** (0.431) |
0.636*** (0.0635) |
1(Age 2) | 1.042*** (0.227) |
1.017*** (0.243) |
0.751*** (0.116) |
2.800*** (0.527) |
0.651*** (0.0666) |
1(Age 3) | 1.074*** (0.263) |
1.118*** (0.273) |
0.749*** (0.119) |
2.936*** (0.595) |
0.607*** (0.0740) |
1(Age 4) | 1.063*** (0.273) |
1.061*** (0.307) |
0.769*** (0.144) |
2.876*** (0.657) |
0.648*** (0.0747) |
Observations | 456 | 456 | 454 | 454 | 453 |
Mean of Dependent Variable | 2.645 | 2.629 | 0.756 | 6.026 | 0.872 |
Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses (*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1). Stamdard errors are clustered at the district-age level. Sibling Treatment is the sum of treatment probabilities of the two older and two younger siblings. All specifications include dummies for age (integer years) and gender of the child as well as age (deciles) and education (five categorical levels of completion) of the mother. Controls also include a dummy for whether the household is located in an urban area and for whether the child was born during a rainy season, the household size and fixed effects for number of older and younger siblings of the child and number of female children in the household as well as the sum, max and min and dummies for the median of the ages of all children in the household. Finally, we include fixed effects for district and wave as well as for the child's place in a gender-specific birth order. The sample is restricted to households with at least 1 child under the age of 5 from the 1999 DHS, unless otherwise noted. All specifications run on the 1999 sample also include dummies for the percentage of household's salt supply that is iodized (categorical in levels of 25 percentage points).