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. 2016 Aug 4;8(8):2565–2580. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evw179

Table 1.

Information on the 52 Gene Properties Used in This Study

Property Name Description
Sequence-based Aln_quality Average of column confident scores (calculated using GUIDANCE2 from Landan and Graur [2008]; Sela et al. [2015])
AlnLen Alignment length
AlnLen_nogaps Alignment length after exclusion of all sites containing gaps
CAM Number of sites containing RGC-CAM substitutions (as defined by Rogozin et al. [2007]; Polzin and Rokas [2014])
CAM_pct Percentage of CAM substitutions
Gap_pct_mean Percent average of sites containing gaps across taxa
Gap_pct_var Variance of percentage of sites containing gaps across taxa
GC_pct_mean Percent average of GC content of all sites across taxa
GC_pct_var Variance of GC content percentage of all sites across taxa
GC1_pct_mean Percent average of GC content of first codon positions across taxa
GC1_pct_var Variance of GC content percentage of first codon positions across taxa
GC2_pct_mean Percent average of GC content of second codon positions across taxa
GC2_pct_var Variance of GC content percentage of second codon positions across taxa
GC3_pct_mean Percent average of GC content of third codon positions across taxa
GC3_pct_var Variance of GC content percentage of third codon positions across taxa
nonCAM Number of sites containing RGC_non-CAM substitutions (as defined by Rogozin et al. [2007]; Polzin and Rokas [2014])
nonCAM_pct Percentage of non-CAM substitutions
PI_pct_mean Percent average of pairwise identity across taxa
PI_pct_var Variance of percentage of pairwise identity across taxa
PI_sites Number of parsimony-informative sites
PI_sites_pct Percentage of parsimony-informative sites
RCV Relative nucleotide composition variability (as defined by Phillips and Penny [2003])
Varsites Number of variable sites
Varsites_pct Percentage of variable sites
Function-based CAI Codon adaptation index for a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene (calculated using codonw 1.4.2 from Peden [1999])
CBI Codon bias index for a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene (calculated using codonw 1.4.2 from Peden [1999])
CC_regions Number of coiled–coil regions for a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene (identified by Paircoil2 from McDonnell et al. [2006])
Cen_distance The physical distance between gene and centromere divided by chromosome length for a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene
Function-based Exons Number of exons in a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene
Gen_interactions Number of genetic interactions for a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene (calculated using the BioGRID database from Chatr-Aryamontri et al. [2015])
Gene_expression Number of mapped reads per kilobase for a given gene from one million mapped reads (calculated using 2-replicate RNA-Seq data of S. cerevisiae from Busby et al. [2011] or H. sapiens RNA-Seq data across 122 samples from Uhlén et al. [2015])
GO_numbers Number of Gene Ontology terms for a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene
InterPros Number of unique domains for a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene
Paralogs Number of paralogs of a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene
Phy_interactions Number of physical interactions for a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene (calculated using the BioGRID database from Chatr-Aryamontri et al. [2015])
Prot2Tran Number of protein isoforms divided by number of transcripts for a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene
Protein_abundance Protein abundance levels for a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene (calculated using the PaxDb database from [Wang et al. 2012])
Proteins Number of protein isoforms for a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene
Rel_distance The physical position of a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene divided by the length of the chromosome on which it resides
Repeats Number of repeat elements for a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene (identified by RepeatMasker [; last accessed on March 21, 2016])
Syn_codons_fre Frequency of synonymous codons for a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene (calculated using codonw 1.4.2 from Peden [1999])
TFs Number of transcription factors targeting a given gene (calculated using the Yeastract database of S. cerevisiae from Teixeira et al. [2014] or the ITFP database of H. sapiens from Zheng et al. [2008])
Transcripts Number of transcripts for a S. cerevisiae or H. sapiens gene
Tree-based Inter_len_mean Average length of internal branches across the maximum likelihood tree of a given alignment
Inter_len_var Variance of lengths of internal branches across the maximum likelihood tree of a given alignment
Leaf_len_mean Average length of external branches across the maximum likelihood tree of a given alignment
Leaf_len_var Variance of lengths of external branches across the maximum likelihood tree of a given alignment
Leaf2node_mean Average of the sum of all branch lengths that are between the outgroup node and each ingroup node across the maximum likelihood tree of a given alignment
Leaf2node_var Variance of the sum of all branch lengths that are between the outgroup node and each ingroup node across the maximum likelihood tree of a given alignment
Total_treelen Sum of all branch lengths across the maximum likelihood tree of a given alignment
Treeness Proportion of sum of internal branch lengths over sum of all branch lengths across the maximum likelihood tree of a given alignment (as defined by Phillips and Penny [2003])
Treeness/RCV Treeness divided by RCV (as defined by Phillips and Penny [2003])
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