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. 2016 Aug 18;99(3):728–734. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.06.028

Table 2.

Clinical Characteristics of Individuals with De Novo HNRNPH2 Variants

Individual Variant Age (Years) Microcephaly? (Congenital or acquired?) DD/ID Regressions ASD ADHD Other Psychiatric Co-morbidities Seizures Tone Abnormalities (Hypo or Hyper) Other Neurological Findings MRI Findings Ophthalmologic Findings Dysmorphic Features Skeletal Anomalies GI Symptoms and Growth Parameters Other Clinical Findings
1 c.616C>T (p.Arg206Trp) 34 Y (A) Y Y Y Y anxiety, OCD, aggressive behavior, self-injurious Y hypo, hyper abnormal gait, ankle clonus normal Y, exotropia hypotelorism, wide mouth, full lips, high narrow nasal bridge, curly hair lordosis, short stature, bilateral femoral osteotomies, arachnodactyly FTT, short stature N
2 c.616C>T (p.Arg206Trp) 8 N Y N Y N repetitive stereotypic behavior Y hypo ataxia, muscle weakness aplasia /hypoplasia cerebellar vermis ? epicanthal folds, midface hypoplasia, almond shaped eyes N constipation mild hearing loss, anemia, epistaxis
3 c.617G>A (p.Arg206Gln) 4 N Y Y N N N N hypo N NA N small palpebral fissures pes planus GERD as an infant happy demeanor, sensitive to noise, hand flapping
4 c.626C>T (p.Pro209Leu) 6 Y (A) Y Y N N anxiety Y hypo incoordination normal N hypertelorism, fetal finger pads short stature, talus valgus FTT, feeding issues cardiac (atrial septal defect and MVP), sensory disorder
5 c.616C>T (p.Arg206Trp) 21 N Y N Y Y N N hypo N normal N highly arched palate, mild micrognathia, elongated fingers pectus carinatum, pes planus, scoliosis, stretchable skin, joint laxity GERD as a child; underweight cardiac (MVP)
6 c.616C>T (p.Arg206Trp) 2 N Y N N N N N hypo torticollis, dystonic posturing left hand, dyspraxia possible distorted cerebellar vermis N symmetrically concave eyebrow, pseudo-fissure in upper lip N feeding difficulties, drooling N

Abbreviations are as follows: GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease; FTT, failure to thrive; MVP, mitral valve prolapse; ?, unknown; A, acquired; NA, not applicable.