Fig. 6.
Survival data in mice for quantified eVLP lots and correlation with LC-HRMS and western blot quantitation. a Average percent survival (grey bars) after two vaccinations in mice (n = 10 for each eVLP lot) with 10 µg of GP1 (as calculated from 6D8 western blot results) of the indicated lot. Vaccinations were 3 weeks apart, with 4 weeks between the final vaccination and the EBOV challenge. The percent GP1 to total protein concentration (right axis) obtained using LC-HRMS is represented by the white bars. Survival in all vaccinated groups was significant (p < 0.005) when compared to saline controls. Fisher’s Exact test was used to compare survival between the group vaccinated with eVLP lot ‘E’ and the other lots (*indicates p < 0.01, **indicates p < 0.001). b LC-HRMS and western blot values for GP1 content in each eVLP lot tested (based on % total protein or mg/mL) were plotted against percent survival in mice after EBOV challenge (note: since Lots A and B both gave 100 % the lower lot B value was used resulting in a total of 4 data points). The strongest linear correlation (R2 = 0.936) was obtained with the LC-HRMS GP1 values based on % total protein followed by the LC-HRMS values for GP1 in mg/mL (R2 = 0.9096)