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. 2016 Sep 1;4:2050312116664224. doi: 10.1177/2050312116664224

Table 5.

Validity and reliability of scale items.

Author (year) Validity Reliability Final number of items
Anderson and Dedrick (1990) Construct (with other scales) Cronbach’s α = .85 11
Bova et al. (2006) Concurrent (correlation with other scales) Cronbach’s α = .92/.95 15
Bova et al. (2012) Criterion (with other scales) Cronbach’s α = .96 13
Construct (factor analysis)
Corbie-Smith et al. (2002) Face validity (picked items based on validity) N/A 12
Doescher, et al. (2009) Convergent (correlation between scales) Cronbach’s α = .62 7
Dugan et al. (2005) Construct (correlation)
Concurrent (2-sample t-test)
Cronbach’s α = .87 (National)
.86 (Regional)
Egede and Ellis (2008) Convergent (correlation with other scales) Cronbach’s α = .64–.92 17
Goold et al. (2005) Construct (correlation with other scales) Cronbach’s α = .95 (long version)
.91 (short version)
13 (long version)
9 (short version)
Hall et al. (2002) Construct (correlation with other scales) Cronbach’s α = .94 10
Hall et al. (2002) Construct (correlation with other scales) Cronbach’s α = .89 11
Concurrent (correlation)
Hall et al. (2006) N/A Cronbach’s α = .72 4
Hillen et al. (2012) Construct (correlation with other scales) Cronbach’s α = .92 18
Jones and Barry (2011) Face (percent of who completed survey) Cronbach’s α = .91 14
Content (qualitative data checked)
Convergent/discriminant (correlation with other scales)
Kelly et al. (2005) Construct (literature review, focus groups, and phone interviews) Cronbach’s α = .88 18
Kressin et al. (2002) Construct (multitrait analysis) Cronbach’s α = .72–.89 34
LaVeist et al. (2009) Construct (correlation with other scales) Cronbach’s α = .76 7
Leisen and Hyman (2001) Content (literature review)
Convergent (t-values of factor loadings)
Cronbach’s α = .95/.89 51
Discriminant (three antecedents were evaluated)
Criterion (correlation)
Mainous et al. (2006) Concurrent (correlation) Cronbach’s α = .84 12
Moseley et al. (2005) N/A Cronbach’s α = .84 11
Radwin et al. (2005) Convergent (correlation) Cronbach’s α = .71–.81 16
Discriminant (standard error for correlation sets)
Radwin and Cabral (2010) Convergent (correlation)
Discriminant (standard error for correlation sets)
Cronbach’s α = .77 4
Construct (confirmatory factor analysis)
Rose et al. (2004) Concurrent (correlation with other scales) Cronbach’s α = .75 10
Safran et al. (1998) Convergent (correlation) Cronbach’s α = .81–.95 51
Discriminant (correlation with other scales)
Shea et al. (2008) Construct (correlations with other scales) Cronbach’s α = .73/.77 9
Shelton et al. (2010) Construct (correlation with other scales) Cronbach’s α = .87 12
Stiggelbout et al. (2004) Construct (correlation with other scales) Cronbach’s α = .62–.83 14
Thom et al. (1999) Construct (correlations) Cronbach’s α = .89 11
Predictive (looking at predictions of trust with other variables)
Thom et al. (2011) Convergent (correlation) Cronbach’s α = .93 12
Discriminant (correlation)
Thompson et al. (2004) Construct (regression) Cronbach’s α = .83 12
Convergent (correlation)
Wallston et al. (1973) Concurrent (correlation with other scales) N/A 10
Wallston and Wallston (1978) Construct (correlation with other scales)
Predictive (correlation with other scales)
Cronbach’s α = .50–85 18
Wolf et al. (1978) Face and content validity (interviews with participants)
Construct (correlations with other subscales)
Cronbach’s α = .93 26
Zheng et al. (2002) Construct (correlation with other scales) Cronbach’s α = .92 (National)
.89 (Regional)