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. 2016 Jul;77(3):e134–e138. doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1568134

Table 1. Summary of literature review of cases of delayed neuropathy after total hip arthroplasty.

Case report Time of presentation Clinical presentation Workup Intervention Identified injury Outcome
Fokter et al8 9 y P: Left groin and thigh pain radiation to the knee
S: Hypoesthesia in anteromedial thigh
M: Quadriceps weakness
R: Loss of patellar reflex
X-ray: Eccentric location of femoral head in shell showing liner wear
MRI spine: Normal
EMG: Lesion localized to left lumbosacral plexus with denervation in femoral distribution
CT: 13-cm intrapelvic cyst
Lower middle laparotomy and removal of pelvic cyst
Revision hip arthroplasty with allograft used to repair defect
Wear debris mass Full recovery of function
May et al 4 mo S: Mild numbness in foot None None Limb lengthening Full recovery of function
May et al 5 mo P: Pain in foot
S: Sensory deficit in big toe
EMG Interpositioning of fat pad between sciatic nerve and acetabular ring Reinforcement ring implantation and scar tissue Resolution of pain
Developed foot drop 6 mo after reoperation
Bader et al4 S: Numbness in anterior and medial aspect of thigh
M: Weak knee extension
EMG: 60% loss of motor conduction in femoral nerve Nerve separation from scar tissue, removal of granuloma and acetabular ring Loosening of acetabular implant and migration, fracture of supplemental screw, granuloma formation Full recovery of sensory function
Motor improved to 20% of function
Katsimihas et al9 5 mo S: Lateral calf, foot, posterior leg
R: absent ankle jerk
M: Weakness in ankle dorsiflexors, evertors, and invertors
EMG: Sciatic nerve deficit at level of the hip or proximal thigh in tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, and gastrocnemius
MRI: Spine, gluteus, and pelvis unrevealing
AFO Improvement in muscle strength and sensation, not back to baseline
Fischer et al7 7 y P: Lower buttock, difficulty with ambulation EMG: Normal
CT: Large fluid collection deep to abductor extending through greater sciatic notch
Arthrogram: Fistula between joint and pelvic fluid collection
L4–5 foraminotomy
IR drainage of fluid collection
Removal of fractured polyethylene liner and use of bone allograft, cyst resection, replacement of hardware
Cyst formation from THA wear debris Resolution of pain
Able to ambulate unassisted
Stiehl and Stewart12 6 mo P: Left foot
S: Left foot
Bone scan: No increased uptake
EMG: Deficit in gluteus medius, tibialis anterior, flexor digitorum longus, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius
Screw removal, dissection of nerve away from injury site Pelvic screw migration compressing sciatic nerve Resolution of pain
Numbness persistent
Motor function improved to 60%
Asnis et al3 5 y P: Buttock and thigh
S: Posterior thigh
M: Hamstring weakness
R: Decreased ankle jerk
X-ray: Normal lumbosacral region; pelvis showing wire migration Lidocaine injection
Sciatic exploration showing 2 cm wire within sciatic nerve, epineurium incised and wire removed
Migration of trochanteric wire Full recovery of function
Edwards et al6 3 y P: Buttock, posterior thigh to toe
S: Dorsum of foot and lateral calf
M: Tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallicis longus
R: Absent ankle jerk
X-ray: Normal
EMG: Deficit in tibialis anterior, extensor hallicis longus, short head of biceps femoris
Myelogram: Normal
Sciatic nerve exploration; spur of methyl methacrylate found eroding through lateral side of sciatic, neurolysis and shaving down spur Methyl methacrylate spur Immediate pain relief
Decrease in area of sensory loss
No motor recover
Casagrande and Danahy5 7 mo P: Foot pain
M: Peroneal weakness
EMG: Deficit in peroneal and tibial distribution Sciatic nerve block and lumbar sympathetic block
Sciatic exploration showing dense scar tissue, sciatic neurolysis and acrylic mass excision, osteotomy of ischial tuberosity
Acrylic mass, scar tissue Pain resolved
No motor recovery
Leinung et al10 10 y P: Thigh pain
M: Weakness in femoral distribution
CT: Large pelvic mass Wide excision of tumor Inflammatory pseudotumor of iliopsoas
Xu et al 2 y S: Lateral leg and dorsum of foot
M: Absence of dorsiflexion, weakness in ankle eversion
MRI: Atrophy of extensor muscles
EMG: Deficits in peroneal distribution of sciatic nerve
CT: Displacement of screw
Sciatic exploration with dissection of nerve off of screw; shaving down screw Screw displacement and compression of sciatic nerve Persistent motor and sensory loss

Abbreviations: AFO, ankle-foot orthosis; CT, computed tomography; EMG, electromyography; IR, interventional radiology; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; THA, total hip arthroplasty.