Figure 12. Relative ferroxidase activity of EncFtnsH mutants.
EncFtnsH, and the mutant forms E32A, E62A and H65A, each at 20 µM, were mixed with 100 µM acidic Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. Ferroxidase activity of the mutant forms is determined by measuring the absorbance at 315 nm for 1800 s at 25 °C as an indication of Fe3+ formation. The relative ferroxidase activity of mutants is plotted as a proportion of the activity of the wild-type protein using the endpoint measurement of A315. Three technical repeats were performed and the plotted error bars represent the calculated standard deviations. The FOC mutants showed reduced ferroxidase activity to varied extents, among which E62A significantly abrogated the ferroxidase activity.