Relative abundance of the different colony types for the 3 preparations. Representation of colonies in (A) preparation 1, (B) preparation 2 and (C) preparation 3, respectively, projected on a triangle (2-simplex) with each vertex corresponding to one of the three pure colony types. In each triangle, the upper left vertex corresponds to ‘homogeneous’ colonies, the upper right vertex corresponds to ‘heterogeneous’ colonies, and the lower vertex corresponds to ‘non-expressing’ colonies. Colonies from time frames 18, 52, and 85 were used in this analysis. The location of each colony within the triangle was determined by the automated classifier. The number of each colony type in each triangle is indicated with the color coded number: # of ‘homogeneous’ colonies in green, # of ‘heterogeneous’ colonies in red, and # of ‘non-expressing’ colonies in blue. The red and green framed colonies are examples of manually annotated colonies that were used to train the automated classifier. Access to the full size colony images and an interactive visualization of the automated classification of hexagonal sub-regions is available at