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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Mar 6.
Published in final edited form as: Ann Intern Med. 2016 May 31;165(5):325–333. doi: 10.7326/M16-0799

Table 1.

Selected model input values for an analysis of 90-90-90 in South Africa

Cohort Mean Age (SD), years Mean CD4 (SD), × 109 cells/L* Weighted Distribution, % Reference
Incident 30 (8) 0.667 (0.134) N/A (7,8)
Prevalent undiagnosed 36 (16) 0.434 (0.255) 45.3 (2,22)
Prevalent, on first-line ART 39 (16) 0.454 (0.246) 31.8 (2,22)
Prevalent, on second-line ART 41 (16) 0.454 (0.246) 1.7 (2,4,22)
Prevalent diagnosed, not in care 41 (16) 0.257 (0.080) 21.2 (2,9,22)
Cohort Characteristics Value Reference
Gender distribution, % male 42.3 (22)
HIV RNA distribution after acute infection, % (17)
 >100,000 copies/ml 42
 30,001–100,000 copies/ml 28
 10,001–30,000 copies/ml 18
 3,001–10,000 copies/ml 8
 ≤3,000 copies/ml 4
Mean ART efficacy, % virologic suppression at 48 weeks 72 (2,10)
Loss to follow-up, probability in care at 5 (1) years, % (1214)
Current Pace strategy 80 (96)
UNAIDS Target strategy 88 (98)
Return to care
 Return to care probability after one year monthly % 1.0 Assumption
 Return to care probability upon WHO stage 3/4 OI, % 50 Assumption
Transmission rates (per 100PY), by disease stage and viral load (15,16)
 Incident infection (6 months post infection) 7.25 × 9.03
 Late stage disease (CD4 <2.00 × 109 cells/L) 9.03
 >100,000 copies/ml 9.03
 10,001–100,000 copies/ml 8.12
 3,001–10,000 copies/ml 4.17
 501–3,000 copies/ml 2.06
 21–500 copies/ml 0.16
 ≤20 copies/ml 0.16

 HIV-specific age-stratified fertility rates (per 100PY) (20,22,23)
  15–19 years 5.8
  20–29 years 9.1
  30–39 years 6.6
  40–49 years 1.0

Costs, 2014 USD
ART Costs (25)
  First-line ART, monthly (annually) 11 (137)
  Second-line ART, monthly (annually) 31 (375)
Monitoring costs (30)
  HIV viral load, cost per test 36
  CD4 count, cost per test 7
Routine care cost, monthly (ranges by CD4 count) (26,30)
  CD4 > 0.500 × 109 cells/L 20
  CD4 0.350 – 0.500 × 109 cells/L 27
  CD4 0.200 – 0.350 × 109 cells/L 32
  CD4 0.050 – 0.200 × 109 cells/L 70
  CD4 < 0.050 × 109 cells/L 157
OI treatment costs (ranges by OI) (27)
  WHO stage 3–4 AIDS defining diseases
   Visceral 810
   Muco-cutaneous 520
   Other 430
  Tuberculosis 770
  Severe Bacterial infections 770
  Mild fungal disease 360
  Mild other disease 240
UNAIDS Target Strategy only (31)
  HIV test cost per negative test 7
  HIV test cost per positive test 20
  Adherence/retention intervention cost, annual per patient on ART§ 155

Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; ART, antiretroviral therapy; PY, person years; OI, opportunistic infection; WHO, World Health organization; USD, United States Dollars


When reported as medians and interquartile ranges, CD4 cell counts were converted to means and standard deviations for reporting purposes.

During the period of acute infection, the transmission rate is 7.25 times the transmission rate of the highest viral load stratum (>100,000 copies/mL).

Using age-specific HIV prevalence as well as age-specific fertility rate risk ratios between HIV-infected and uninfected, we derived HIV- and age-specific fertility rates. These rates/100PY translate into a total fertility rate (TFR) for HIV-infected: 2.0, TFR for HIV-uninfected: 2.7 (20, 22, 23)


Adherence/retention intervention affects ART efficacy (% suppressed) and attenuates loss to follow-up as described in the Methods.