snap25a and snap25b RE1 site mutants are hyperactive at 6 dpf. A–F, The snap25a RE1sbu82/sbu82 mutants (N = 24) exceeded sibling WT (N = 30) controls and snap25a RE1sbu82/+ heterozygotes (N = 74) in (A,B) number of movements, (C,D) distance, and (E,F) duration at 6 dpf. G–L, The snap25b RE1sbu83/sbu83 mutant (N = 44) exceeded sibling WT (N = 37) and the snap25b RE1sbu83/+ heterozygotes (N = 62) in (G,H) number of movements, (I,J) distance, and (K,L) duration at 6 dpf. Significance was defined using a one-way ANOVA over the entire test period; when the data were compared on per minute bases, the data were compared using two-way ANOVAs with repeated-measures designs, with genotype serving as the independent factor and time serving as the repeated measure. #Genotype (p < 0.05).