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. 2016 Sep 6;7(5):e01024-16. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01024-16


List of regulated noncoding RNAs identified in this study

Start (bp)a,b Stop (bp)a,b Strand Description TF regulator(s) Fold changec
34013* 33811* Antisense to STM14_5565 HilC 2.28d
74905 74971 + DapZ RtsA 2.66
868925 868081 Antisense to slrP RtsA 1.25
1343788 1343659 STnc520 SprB 4.08
1418433 1418523 + Overlapping STM14_1613/STM14_1614 HilC 1.18
1603873 1604092 + MgrR HilD 2.12
1603938 1603781 Overlapping STM14_1833 HilD, RtsA 3.73, 2.05e
3039507 3039347 Antisense to hilA 5′ UTR HilD 4.23
3065151 3066061 + InvR HilD, HilC 1.07, 3.99e
3483808 3483985 + Within dacB RtsA 2.54

The numbers represent predicted start/stop genome coordinates for a given noncoding RNA (ncRNA). Numbers marked with an asterisk indicate RNAs encoded on the virulence plasmid.


In some cases, multiple, overlapping fragments of an ncRNA were identified, or overlapping ncRNAs were identified for multiple TFs. These instances were merged into a single unit.


Data represent fold change (log2) in RNA level for cells showing overexpression of the corresponding TF versus cells in which the TF-encoding gene was deleted.


Data represent averages of fold change values for three overlapping transfrags.


The two values correspond to the 2 TFs, in the order listed in the previous column.