Summary |
Record title
Year of publication
Journal title
Type of record (original article, systematic review, non-systematic review, conference proceeding, abstract, case report, brief report, thesis/dissertation, clinical trial registration, editorial/opinion piece, book/book chapter, case report, other)
Which theme(s) does the record address (biomechanical efficacy, clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, workplace safety)?
Research aims
Methods |
Location where research was conducted (country)
Setting (type: laboratory, community, acute care/hospital, assisted living, long-term care, other; description of setting: size, specialisation)
Design (randomised controlled trial, non-randomised controlled trial, non-randomised uncontrolled trial, prospective cohort study, retrospective cohort study, meta-analysis, systematic review, non-systematic review, qualitative methods/qualitative study, controlled experiment, simulation study, modelling study, other)
Population (adults—workers (18–64 years), adults—university students (18–64 years), older adults (65+ years), other)
Sample size (total number of participants, number of participants in intervention group, number of participants in control group)
Description of participants (age, sex, inclusion/exclusion criteria)
Intervention types
Flooring system, for example, vinyl (>0.2 cm), carpet (standard), carpet tile, Sorbashock, Forbo, Tarkett Omnisports EXCEL, DAX Tatami Martial Arts, SmartCells, Landsafe, Kradal, SofTile
Term used for compliant flooring
Is this record's primary focus related to compliant flooring?
Outcome measures
Definition(s) of fall-related injury