(A, B) Replicative lifespan analyses of the indicated yeast strains cultured at 25°C on YEPE3%. Duplicate lifespan experiments for each line are provided (n = 20 virgin mother cells per strain per experiment). The following strain comparisons were significantly different (p<0.05) after pooling data across replicate experiments [mean replicative lifespan, p-value (log rank test)]. In panel (A), Q48Ri vs. SEY6210 (6.1 vs. 9.2, p<0.0009), coq7-11i(W120R) vs. SEY6210 (6.8 vs. 9.2, p<0.0008). In panel (B), vector (pRS424) vs. sup+ (2.4 vs. 6.3, p~0), vector vs. CLD1 (1D) (2.4 vs. 9.1, p~0), and CLD1 (1D) vs. sup+ (p < .002). coq7-11i(W120R) derivatives were cultured on synthetic selective media prior to transferal to YEPE3%. All other strains were maintained continuously on YEPE3%.