Table 1.
Notation (frequently used acronyms and symbols).
Notation | Description |
| |
GN | Gauss–Newton |
KKT system | Karush–Kuhn–Tucker system |
PCG | preconditioned conjugate gradient method |
PDE | partial differential equation |
PDE solve | solution of hyperbolic PDEs of optimality systems (4.1) and (4.3) |
| |
mR | reference (fixed) image (mR : Rd → R) |
mT | template image (image to be registered; mT: Rd → R) |
y | mapping (deformation; y : Rd → Rd) |
v | velocity field (control variable; v : Rd × [0, 1] → Rd) |
m | state variable (transported image; m : Rd × [0, 1] → R) |
m1 | state variable at t = 1 (deformed template image; m1 : Rd → R) |
λ | adjoint variable (transported mismatch; λ : Rd × [0, 1] → R) |
f | body force (drives the registration; f : Rd × [0, 1] → Rd) |
F1 | deformation gradient (tensor field) at t = 1 (F1 : Rd → Rd×d) |
𝒥 | objective functional |
𝒮 | regularization functional |
𝒜 | differential operator (first and second variation of 𝒮) |
β | regularization parameter |
γ | parameter that enables (γ = 1) or disables (γ = 0) the incompressibility constraint |
nt | number of time points (discretization) |
nc | number of coefficient fields (spectral Galerkin method in time) |
nx | number of grid points (discretization; ) |
g | reduced gradient (first variation of Lagrangian with respect to v) |
ℋ | reduced Hessian (second variation of Lagrangian with respect to v) |