GLMMV models were fitted to the response of experimental freshwater benthic communities exposed to selected PPCP low-dose mixtures and sequential analysis of deviance (ANODEV) was performed. MV data used to build each GLMMV include the six community-level metabolic end points measured: F0, the dark-adapted basal fluorescence; F, the light-adapted steady state fluorescence; Ymax, the maximum photosynthetic efficiency of photosystem II (PSII); Yeff, the effective quantum yield of PSII; β-Glu, β-glucosidase; and Phos, alkaline phosphatase. The experiment included two factors: treatment (four levels) and time of exposure (three levels). Treatment levels were as follows: control (n = 5); Mix 16 (n = 3), PPCP mixture 16; Mix 16-4 (n = 3), mixture 16 without the four most important PPCPs from GSA results; and Mix 16/10 (n = 3), mixture 16 diluted 10 times. Time levels were as follows: 24, 36, and 120 hours of exposure for each treatment (n = 4). Therefore, the total number of samples was n = 42. The null hypothesis (H0) for the Wald test is that the reduction in model residual deviance is 0. Res. df, residual degrees of freedom; df diff., degrees of freedom difference added by the sequential inclusion of each term of the model.