Figure 1.
Forest Plot of Log Odds Ratios for the Risk of Moving from the Leanest (Q1) to the Heavier Quartiles Neighbourhoods and from the Heaviest (Q4) to Leaner Quartile Neighbourhoods.
Estimates are based on Ordered (Panels A-D) and Binary (Panels E-F) Logistic Regressions. Panel A shows that overweight and obese women are more likely to move to increasingly heavier quartiles out of Q1 in relation the healthy weight women. Panel B shows the same pattern as Panel A based only on those who move out of Q1 and into Q2, Q3, or Q4. Panel C shows that overweight and obese women are less likely to move to increasingly leaner quartiles out of Q4 in relation to healthy weight women. Panel D shows the same pattern as Panel C based only on those who move out of Q4 and into Q3, Q2, or Q1. Panel E shows that overweight and obese women are more likely to move to the heaviest quartile (Q4) out of Q1 in relation the healthy weight women. Panel F shows that overweight and obese women are less likely to move to the leanest quartile (Q1) out of Q4 in relation the healthy weight women.