Figure 6.
Elephantiasis variant. (a) Elephantiasic legs and hands with hyperpigmented and polypoid appearance. (b) Red, swelling enlargement of lower extremities with nodular, polypoid, fungating, and tumorous appearances from lower one-half of lower legs to toes. (c) Light red, swelling enlargement of lower extremities with nodular, tumorous, and papillary appearance from lower two-thirds of lower legs to toes. (d) Light red, pigmented, nonpitting and swelling enlargement of lower extremities with plaque, papillary, and tumorous appearances from lower legs to toes. (e) Swelling enlargement of lower extremities with hyperpigmented, dry, coarse, papillary, and deep crevice appearance looked extremely like legs of elephants. (f) Pigmented, sclerotic enlargement of lower legs to toes with cerebriform and plaque appearance.