Weather is better understood than climate change |
Personal experience/anecdotal evidence |
27 |
Hot weather/heat: immediate concerns |
23 |
Pollution: disconnected from weather |
6 |
General understanding of climate change |
1 |
Weather conditions (not climate change) |
1 |
Confusion/misinterpretation/unintended consequences |
Dietary advice/advice to lose weight (disconnected from environmental impact, food systems or climate change) |
28 |
Demonstrated gaps in existing knowledge |
27 |
Confusion about meaning |
16 |
Poster offers impractical advice |
10 |
Advice to engage in harmful activity (e.g., advice to engage in walking/biking on poster about heat effects) |
6 |
Health education strategies |
Activating existing knowledge |
18 |
Intended audience/who should see |
17 |
Suggested locations/venues to display |
13 |
Health vulnerabilities |
13 |
Not enough information provided |
11 |
Appeal/liking |
8 |
Recognition of self as audience |
3 |
Behavioral modeling |
3 |
Lack of available education on topic(s) |
3 |
Poor populations |
1 |
Shock/fear appeals |
1 |
Attitudes and beliefs about climate change and health |
Explains mechanisms of climate change effects on health |
17 |
Own perceptions/explanation of systemic issues |
17 |
Learned something/“aha moment” |
11 |
Emphasis on health (not climate change) |
9 |
Individual behaviors |
8 |
Perceived ignorance of others |
7 |
Environmental triggers or causes of symptoms |
7 |
Apathy about climate change/health |
5 |
Avoidance/denial about climate change/health |
4 |
Policy/government |
4 |
Collective action |
2 |
Clean energy/low pollution |
2 |
Design |
Organization/layout |
20 |
Appealing elements |
14 |
Replace cartoons with photos of human faces/figures |
9 |
Feature humans experiencing health effects |
9 |
Suggestions for design |
9 |
Suggestions for content |
9 |
Color |
8 |
Cartoons: appropriate for some |
8 |
Cartoons: off-putting |
6 |
Health literacy concerns |
5 |
Cluttered/too much text |
1 |