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. 2016 Sep 1;21(35):30329. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2016.21.35.30329

Figure 2.

Region-specific average year rate of Escherichia coli bacteraemia in England, April 2012–March 2014 (n=66,324 patients)a

NHS: National Health Service; PHE: Public Health England; PHEC: PHE Centres.

a Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust did not report E. coli bacteraemia cases for the entire duration between April 2012–March 2013. Hence, associated Cheshire and Merseyside PHEC average rate across the two years will not include April 2012–March 2013 data for this acute Trust and may have caused an underestimation of the rate of infection for this PHEC.

Figure 2