Table 2. Number and percentage of non-susceptible Escherichia coli bacteraemia strains to selected antibiotics, England, April 2012–March 2014.
Criteria | Ciprofloxacin | Third generation cephalosporinsa | Piperacillin–Tazobactam | Gentamicin | Carbapenemsb | |
2012–14 | Number tested | 45,829 | 40,734 | 46,186 | 49,114 | 42,986 |
Number of non-susceptible | 8,439 | 4,256 | 4,694 | 4,770 | 91 | |
Non-susceptible (%) | 18.4 | 10.4 | 10.2 | 9.7 | 0.21 | |
Age group in years n/Nc (%) |
< 1 | 56/673 (8.3) | 34/661 (5.1) | 32/671 (4.8) | 55/749 (7.3) | 0/615 (0.00) |
1–14 | 53/250 (21.2) | 40/229 (17.5) | 35/250 (14.0) | 37/263 (14.1) | 5/202 (2.48) | |
15–44 | 493/3,821 (12.9) | 268/3,380 (7.9) | 311/3,842 (8.1) | 333/4,105 (8.1) | 10/3,521 (0.28) | |
45–54 | 546/3,130 (17.4) | 264/2,772 (9.5) | 284/3,162 (9.0) | 336/3,309 (10.2) | 11/2,940 (0.37) | |
55–64 | 1,027/5,376 (19.1) | 501/4,779 (10.5) | 554/5,391 (10.3) | 551/5,742 (9.6) | 12/5,024 (0.24) | |
65–74 | 1,844/9,362 (19.7) | 887/8,302 (10.7) | 941/9,439 (10.0) | 1,006/9,997 (10.1) | 13/8,816 (0.15) | |
75–84 | 2,379/13,003 (18.3) | 1,238/11,511 (10.8) | 1,404/13,101 (10.7) | 1,358/13,964 (9.7) | 23/12,215 (0.19) | |
>84 | 2,041/10,214 (20.0) | 1,024/9,100 (11.3) | 1,133/10,330 (11.0) | 1,094/10,985 (10.0) | 17/9,653 (0.18) | |
Sex n/Nc (%) |
Female | 3,783/23,320 (16.2) | 2,013/20,685 (9.7) | 2,235/23,462 (9.5) | 2,252/25,025 (9.0) | 40/21,817 (0.18) |
Male | 4,433/21,236 (20.9) | 2,102/18,845 (11.2) | 2,322/21,443 (10.8) | 2,403/22,749 (10.6) | 51/19,948 (0.26) | |
Unknown | 223/1,273 (17.5) | 141/1,204 (11.7) | 137/1,281 (10.7) | 115/1,340 (8.6) | 0/1,221 (0.00) | |
Focus n/Nc (%) |
Genital/urinary tract | 3,915/19,543 (20.0) | 1,952/16,595 (11.8) | 1,991/19,161 (10.4) | 2,387/20,566(11.6) | 34/18,086 (0.19) |
Indwelling intravascular device | 122/529 (23.1) | 57/471 (12.1) | 73/534 (13.7) | 78/553 (14.1) | 2/477 (0.42) | |
Skin/soft tissue | 86/430 (20.0) | 43/361 (11.9) | 50/436 (11.5) | 44/450 (9.8) | 2/394 (0.51) | |
Onset setting n/Nc (%) |
Hospital | 2,234/10,105 (22.1) | 1,306/9,099 (14.4) | 1,562/10,363 (15.1) | 1,469/10,901 (13.5) | 33/9,585 (0.34) |
Community | 5,920/34,069 (17.4) | 2,802/30,072 (9.3) | 2,986/34,175 (8.7) | 3,154/36,497(8.6) | 56/31,816 (0.18) | |
Trust category n/Nc (%) |
Large acute | 584/2,877 (20.3) | 313/2,660 (11.8) | 485/3,216 (15.1) | 402/3,394 (11.8) | 6/2,959 (0.20) |
Medium acute | 489/2,417 (20.2) | 280/2,040 (13.7) | 307/2,352 (13.1) | 320/2,563 (12.5) | 7/2,331 (0.30) | |
Small acute | 270/1,179 (22.9) | 184/1,051 (17.5) | 176/1,163 (15.1) | 184/1,314 (14.0) | 4/1,094 (0.37) | |
Acute Teaching | 808/3,261 (24.8) | 472/3,003 (15.7) | 548/3,258 (16.8) | 503/3,236 (15.5) | 15/2,867 (0.52) | |
Acute Specialist | NAd | NAd | NAd | NAd | NAd |
NA: not applicable.
a Third-generation cephalosporins were represented by ceftazidime and cefotaxime. Isolates non-susceptible to any of these two antibiotics were considered as non-susceptible to third generation cephalosporins.
b Carbapenems were represented by imipenem, meropenem and ertapenem. Isolates non-susceptible to any of these three antibiotics were considered as non-susceptible to carbapenems. The proportions of isolates that are non-susceptibile to carbapenems in England is currently very low. To visualise differences between the groups (age/sex/focus/onset setting/trust type), the proportions of isolates that are non-susceptible to this particular antibiotic group are presented with a two decimal point precision.
c The numbers supporting the percentages presented are provided, whereby the denominators represent the total number of isolates tested per category within each group considered (age/sex/focus/onset setting/trust type).
d Only 52% of cases occurring in Specialist Trust were successfully linked to antibiotic susceptibility data; as a result of this further analysis was not performed on this Trust group.