All |
Continuous urban area |
Built up surfaces and open spaces |
2010 |
Landsat ETM+ / 25.10.2010 |
Exposure |
1 |
Land Surface Temperature (LST) |
Land surface temperature |
2002 |
Landsat ETM+ / 21.03.2002 |
2 |
Land Surface Temperature (LST) |
Land surface temperature |
2005 |
Landsat TM / 03.03.2005 |
3 |
Land Surface Temperature (LST) |
Land surface temperature |
2009 |
Landsat TM / 16.03.2009 |
Sensitivity |
1 |
Elderly population |
Inhabitants per hectarea above 60 years old |
2002 |
Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Chile (Censo de Población y Vivienda 2002) |
2 |
Very young population |
Inhabitants per hectarea below 5 years old |
2002 |
Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Chile (Censo de Población y Vivienda 2002) |
3 |
Disabled population |
Inhabitants per hectarea handicapped |
2002 |
Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Chile (Censo de Población y Vivienda 2002) |
4 |
Family structure |
Inhabitants per hectarea single |
2002 |
Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Chile (Censo de Población y Vivienda 2002) |
5 |
Education level |
Inhabitants per hectarea with lower education |
2002 |
Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Chile (Censo de Población y Vivienda 2002) |
6 |
Unemployment |
Inhabitants per hectarea without a permanent employment |
2002 |
Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Chile (Censo de Población y Vivienda 2002) |
Adaptive Capacity |
1 |
Access to communication technologies |
Households with mobile phone, landline telephone, internet connection and computer |
2002 |
Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Chile (Censo de Población y Vivienda 2002) |
2 |
Access to water supply |
Households per hectarea without water provision within the house |
2002 |
Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Chile (Censo de Población y Vivienda 2002) |
3 |
Material Index |
Number of houses per hectarea with light materials in external walls |
2002 |
Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Chile (Censo de Población y Vivienda 2002) |
4 |
Access to medical services |
Distance (m) of the centroid of the built up area in the census block to the nearest health care centre |
2013 | |
5 |
Roads |
km/km2 of roads per census tract |
2013 | |
6 |
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) |
NDVI values |
2002-2005-2009 |
Landsat TM / 16.03.2009 |