Vangl2 is not essential for photoreceptor outer segments. (A, B) Representative fields of cells showing basal bodies of (A) red-/green-sensitive cones and (B) UV-sensitive cones. Basal bodies were stained by γ-tubulin (red) and GFP (green) marked vangl2−/−;Tg(−3.2gnat2:GFP) donor cells. Clones of donor cells are marked with white dotted lines. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (blue). (C, D) Angular dimensions of wild-type (red points) and vangl2−/− mutant basal bodies (green points) were plotted around a unit circle. The mean vectors are indicated as black arrows. The optic nerve is up in all Figures. (E, F) Transverse cryosections of mosaic animals containing vangl2−/−;Tg(−3.2gnat2:GFP) donor cells and stained for PNA or rhodopsin (red). No differences were seen in cells inside the clone versus those outside the clone. Scale bars: 10 μm (A, B) or 50 μm (E, F).