HSC70, TH, AADC, and VMAT2 co-precipitate in MN9D cells and rat striatum.
A and B, co-immunoprecipitation (IP) experiments were performed by incubating MN9D cells (A) or rat striatum (B) lysates with anti-TH, anti-AADC, or anti-Hsc70 antibodies. SDS-PAGE and immunoblot (IB) analysis using the designated antibodies demonstrated co-precipitation of TH, AADC, and Hsc70. VMAT2 also co-precipitated with these proteins in rat striatum experiments. Unrelated vesicular and cytosolic proteins (SV2, SYPH, GS, and Hsp70) failed to co-immunoprecipitate. C, similar co-immunoprecipitation experiments were performed by incubating rat striatum with the VMAT2 antibody. SDS-PAGE and IB analysis using antibodies against VMAT2, Hsc70, TH, and AADC demonstrated that these proteins co-precipitate. IB analysis with antibodies against SV2 and GAD67 showed no co-precipitation. No bands were present in any of the immunoprecipitations performed using the nonspecific IgGs or beads only.