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. 2015 Dec 17;8(8):114–120. doi: 10.5539/gjhs.v8n8p114

Table 3.

Uni - variant analysis of effective factor on sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene
factors Very poor poor moderate good P value
N % N % N % N % Tot %
Male 326 17.8 826 45.2 562 30.7 115 6.3 1829 100 0.007
Female 199 15.9 627 50 332 26.5 96 7.7 1254 100
Total 527 17 1453 47.1 894 29 211 6.8 3083 100
Under diploma 163 20.1 381 47.1 218 26.9 47 5.8 809 100
Under bachelor’s degree 214 16.6 588 45.5 401 31 89 6.9 1292 100 0.03
Bachelor’s degree and higher 144 15 468 48.8 273 28.4 273 7.8 960 100
Total 521 17 1437 46.9 892 29.1 211 6.9 3061 100
Employee 250 15.4 771 47.4 476 29.2 131 8 1628 100
Unemployed 156 23.2 295 43.9 177 26.3 44 6.5 672 100 <0.0001
Self-employee 110 15.1 353 48.6 229 31.5 35 4.8 727 100
Total 516 17 1419 46.9 882 29.1 210 6.9 3027 100
N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD P value
526 34.8 14.4 1439 33.7 17.4 894 36.5 13.8 213 35 13.7 0.001