Figure 3.
The effect of sampling frequency on 2D‐RMS position error, proportional accuracy, and collar battery life (GPS measurements only). (A) 2D‐RMS position error versus sampling fixes per hour. (B) Proportional accuracy for the domestic dogs versus sampling fixes per hour. Proportional accuracy (Dp) is the ratio of the true distance traveled (dt) to the apparent distance travelled (da) (Marcus Rowcliffe et al. 2012). Proportional accuracy varies between 0 and 1, with 1 being perfectly accurate. (C) Average collar current drawn. (D) Proportional accuracy for agouti (Marcus Rowcliffe et al. 2012), African wild dogs (Creel et al. 2013), and domestic dogs. (E) Collar battery life. Note the trade‐off between accurate position data and travel distance and collar battery life (A and E).