Growth curves for Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv aerobic and anaerobic cultures over the time course studied. (A–C) Show growth patterns of H37Rv, S7, and S10, in duplicates, under aerated and anaerobic culture conditions, respectively. Aerated cultures of all three strains were obtained by growing at 37°C at 200 rpm with loose cap tubes. Dormant cultures (denoted as “D” to the suffix of each strain name) were obtained by growing all three strains for 30 days at 120 rpm in 20- by 125 mm screw-cap tubes containing MB7H9 broth. Cultures were stirred with 8 mm magnetic bars. Exemplary photos of H37Rv anaerobic cultures are given inside the graph. Mean values with standard error from duplicate cultures, at optical density (OD), 600 nm are shown.