Figure 3. History dependence of the R model and its bistable states.
(a) E2F concentrations of a system with a serum pulse (S = 20 μΜ) that lasts 5 hours and then drops to a final level of S = 0.8 μΜ. (b) System without a pulse and with a constant serum level of S = 0.8 μΜ. (c) and (d) are similar to (a,b), respectively, except that the final/baseline serum level is at a higher level of S = 1.0 μΜ. The different lines in (a–d) represent different microRNA inhibition strengths (legend). (e,f) Equilibrium plots of E2F and cyclin-D showing saddle-node (LP) and Hopf (H) bifurcation points. Solid lines: stable steady states; dotted lines: unstable steady states.