0 |
Rest for 20 s with arms at the sides |
1 |
20 times: flexion/extension arms movements (10 left + 10 right) |
2 |
20 times: abduction/adduction arms movements (10 left + 10 right) |
3 |
20 times: inside/outside arms movements on the horizontal plane (10 left + 10 right) |
4 |
10 times: elevation and depression of the shoulders |
5 |
10 times: retro/anteposition of the shoulders from back to front |
6 |
10 times: rotation of the torso from left to right |
7 |
10 times: flexion/extension of the torso from back to front (10 front + 10 back) |
8 |
10 times: right and left lateral flexion of the torso from left to right (10 left + 10 right) |