Figure 2.
Aided speech reception thresholds for SSN (left column) and R2TM (right column) against across-frequency SII-weighted predictor variables. Each row is for a different predictor (age, PTT, HLOHC, HLIHC, BMCE, and FMDT) as indicated in the abscissa of each panel. Solid lines depict linear regression lines; dashed lines depict the 5 and 95% confidence interval of the regression line. The upper left inset in each panel informs of the proportion of variance of aided HINT SRTs (R2) explained by the different predictors and the probability (p) for the value to occur by chance. The lower inset presents the regression equation and the number of cases (N). Note. SRT = speech reception threshold; SSN = speech-shaped noise; R2TM = time-reversed two-talker masker; SII = speech-intelligibility index; HLOHC: contribution of cochlear gain loss to the audiometric loss; HLIHC: contribution of inner hair cell dysfunction to the audiometry loss; BMCE = basilar-membrane compression exponent; FMDT = frequency modulation detection threshold; HINT = hearing-in-noise test.