a, WT, OPTN KO, NDP52 KO, N/O (NDP52/OPTN) DKO, N/O/Tx (NDP52/OPTN/TAX1BP1) TKO, and pentaKO (NDP52/OPTN/TAX1BP1/NBR1/p62) HeLa cells were confirmed by immunoblotting. b, Cells as indicated with or without mCherry-Parkin (mCh-Parkin) were analyzed by immunoblotting and c, CoxII levels quantified. d, Representative images of mCh-Parkin expressing WT, pentaKO and ATG5 KO cells immunostained to label mitochondrial DNA (green) and e, quantified for mitophagy (24 h OA). >75 cells were counted per sample. f, Lysates from pentaKOs expressing mCh-Parkin and GFP-tagged autophagy receptors were immunoblotted and g, CoxII levels were quantified. Quantification in c, e and g are mean ± s.d. from 3 independent experiments and use one-way ANOVA (***P<0.001). OA, Oligomycin and Antimycin A. Scale bars, 10 μm.