Representative images of WT, N/O (NDP52/OPTN) DKO and pentaKOs expressing mCherry-Parkin (mCh-Parkin) and either (a) GFP-tagged GABARAP, GABARAPL1 or GABARAPL2, (b) GFP-WIPI1 or (c) GFP-DFCP1 immunostained for Tom20 (n=3 for each condition, see Figure 4b, c for quantification of b and c). d, mCh-Parkin cell lines as indicated were subjected to either Phos-Tag SDS-PAGE or standard SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblotting. Arrows indicate the position of phosphorylated Beclin species. e, Representative images of untreated WT, N/O (NDP52/OPTN) DKO and pentaKO cell lines expressing mCh-Parkin and GFP-ULK1 were immunostained for Tom20 and GFP (n=3). OA, Oligomycin and Antimycin A. Scale bars, 10 μm.