Figure 1.
Identification of Hp1bp3 as top candidate modulator of cognitive aging (a) The BXD panel was derived by inbreeding the F2 progeny of a C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J (D2) intercross. (b) Contextual fear memory (CFM) varies widely across 21 BXD strains (n = 2–8/strain, mean age = 15 ± 0.3 mo). Memory index was quantified by percent time spent freezing during 10 min test. (c) Genetic interval mapping revealed a significant CFM QTL on mouse chromosome 4 (Chr4: 137.5–140.5 Mb). Pink horizontal line: Genome-wide statistical significance (p = 0.05), Green additive effect line: D parental allele increases trait values, red: B allele increases trait values. Yellow tick marks: presence of genome sequence variant. (d) Hp1bp3 expression is highly correlated with CFM across BXD strains (Pearson r = 0.6, p < 0.05), with strains inheriting the D allele having lower levels of hippocampal Hp1bp3 and poorer CFM.