Effects of ΔCTD mutations on functions of VirD4 homologs in E. coli. (A) E. coli donors carrying pKM101ΔtraJ (ΔtraJ) and producing the TraJ/VirD4 or TraJ/VirD4ΔCTD chimeras listed were assayed for pML122 transfer. Transfer frequencies were measured in 2-h solid-surface matings. (B) The E. coli donors producing full-length TraJ/VirD4 chimeras or ΔCTD variants listed were assayed for transfer of Cre or Cre-effector fusion proteins, as monitored by CRAfT. The values represent the means of at least three experiments with standard deviations. *, P < 0.01 versus Cre-only transfer mediated by the TraJ/VirD4 chimeras; **, P < 0.01 versus Cre-only transfer via the TraJ/VirD4ΔCTD chimeras; |*, P < 0.01, transfer via a TraJ/VirD4ΔCTD chimera versus the isogenic TraJ/VirD4 chimera.