Fig 7. The mutation LRD6-6E315Q plays dominant-negative effect in rice.
(A) LRD6-6E315Q interacts with LRD6-6 in yeast and in N. benthamiana, bars = 20 μm. (B) Expression of Lrd6-6E315Q resulted in enhanced immune response and spontaneous cell death in rice Kitaake. Whole individual plants (a), representative leaves (b) and expression levels of the transgenes (c) from four independent transgenic lines are representatively shown. (C) Two transgenic lines, #2 and #6, were used for cell death (a) and PR gene expression analyses (b). The relative expressions of the genes were normalized to the Ubq5 reference gene. The error bars represent the SDs of three biology repeats and the expression differences was determined by Student’s t-test (**, P < = 0.01).