Table 1.
PCERC19 | Frmingh35 | SCORE36 | QRISK237, 38 | ASSIGN39 | Lloyd-Jones40 | PROCAM41 | |
CPG | 2013 ACA/AHA15 | ATP III14 | ESC/EAS15,16 | NICE18 | SIGN43 | IAS29 | ITFPCD44 |
Data source | 7 NHLBI -funded cohort studies for US population | Prospective Framingham Heart and Offspring studies | 12 pooled prospective studies from 11 European countries | QResearch electronic database | SHHEC prospective study | Framingham Heart Study participants free of CV disease | Prospective study |
Population | African-American or White participants with ≥12 years of follow-up | US general population volunteers from Framingham, MA, USA | Random samples from general population, some occupational cohorts | Health records of general practice attendees | General population in Scottish MONICA and the Scottish Heart Health studies | US general population volunteers from Framingham, MA, USA | Healthy male employees in Münster (Germany) |
Sample size | Whites: 9,098 ♂ 11,240 ♀ African-American: 1,647 ♂ 2,641 ♀ |
3,969 ♂ 4,522 ♀ |
117,098 ♂ 88,080 ♀ |
2.29 million (QRISK2) |
6,540 ♂ 6,757 ♀ |
564 ♂ 4,362 ♀ |
18,460 ♂ 8,515 ♀ |
Age (years) | 40–79 | 30–75 | 40–65 | 35–74 | 30–74 | 50 | 20–75 |
Calculates | Sex- and race-specific 10-year risk for fatal CHD, nonfatal MI, all stroke | Latest version: 10-year risk of CV events | 10-year risk of CV mortality Version for relative risk for <40 years | 10-year risk of CV events All-life CV risk version38 |
10-year risk of CV events | Total CV morbidity by age 80 years, from age 50 years | 10-year risk of coronary and cerebral ischemic events |
Included variables | Age, Tc, HDLc, SBP, DM, current smoking status | Sex, age, Tc, HDLc, SBP, smoking, DM, HTd | Sex, age, Tc or Tc/HDLc, SBP, smoking Versions for high- and low-risk countries | Sex, age, Tc/HDLc, SBP, smoking, DM, social deprivation, family history, BMI, HTd, ethnicity, comorbidity | Sex, age, Tc, HDLc, SBP, number of cigarettes, DM, social deprivation, family history of CHD | Tc, smoking, BP, DM | Age, sex, LDLc, HDLc, DM, smoking, SBP |
Thresholds | + <5% ++ 5–7.4% +++ ≥7.5% |
+ <5 % ++ 5–20% +++ >20% |
+ <1% ++ 1–4% +++ 5–10% ++++ >10% |
+ 5% ++ 10% +++ 15% ++++ ≥20% |
+ <10% ++ 10–19% +++ ≥20% |
+ <15% ++ 15–29% +++ 30–44% ++++ >45% |
+++ >53 (>20%) |
Notes: +, low CV risk; ++, moderate CV risk; +++, high CV risk; ++++, very high CV risk. Data based on Cooney et al.44
Abbreviations: ACA/AHA, American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association; ASSIGN, Assessing cardiovascular risk using SIGN guidelines to ASSIGN preventive treatment; ATP III, Adult Treatment Panel III; BMI, Body mass index; BP, blood pressure; CHD, coronary heart disease; DM, diabetes mellitus; ESC/EAS, European Society of Cardiology/European Atherosclerosis Society; Frmingh, Framingham score; HDLc, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HTd, having antihypertensive drugs; IAS, International Atherosclerosis Society; ITFPCD, International Task Force for Prevention of Coronary Disease; MI, myocardial infarction; NICE, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence; PCERC, Pooled Cohort Equations Risk Calculator; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SCORE, Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation; SHHEC, Scottish Heart Health Extended Cohort; SIGN, Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network; Tc, Total cholesterol; CV, cardiovascular; LDLc, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; CPG, clinical practice guidelines; NHLB, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; MONICA, multinational monitoring of trends and determinants in cardiovascular disease.