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. 2016 Sep 13;94(3):520–596. doi: 10.1111/1468-0009.12212

Appendix. Summary of Proposed and Enacted Local and State E‐cigarette Regulations in California, New York, Minnesota, and Illinois, 2009‐2014

Date Location Policy Issue Regulation Language as Introduced Last Action Changes Made Strengthened or Weakened
15 Sept 2009 California Sales Amends law to include devices that deliver doses of inhaled nicotine through a vaporized solution42 SB400 to prohibit sales of electronic cigarettes not approved by the FDA Governor veto, 10 Nov 2009 No change
12 Jan 2010 New York State Sales Amends law to include e‐cigarettes as battery‐operated devices that deliver nicotine43 A9529 to prohibit the sale of e‐cigarettes not approved by the FDA and prohibit sales to minors Failed, 21 April 2010 No change
14 Jan 2010 California Sales Amends law to include tobacco substitutes that deliver doses of inhaled nicotine through a vaporized solution271 SB882 to prohibit sale of e‐cigarettes that had not been approved by the FDA to minors and establishes infractions for violating this prohibition 27 Sept 2010 Language removed for penalties for retailers by the California State Assembly Committee on Governmental Organization
8 Mar 2010 Minnesota Sales Amends definition of tobacco products to include e‐cigarettes19 HF677 to prohibit e‐cigarette sales to minors and defines e‐cigarettes as any product containing, made, or derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption, whether chewed, smoked, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, or ingested by any other means, or any component, part, or accessory of a tobacco product 11 May 2010 No change
2 Sept 2010 Illinois Sales Amends tobacco accessories law to include nicotine delivery products272 SB3174 to prohibit sale of nicotine products not approved by the FDA Died, 21 Jan 2011 Language removed permitting sale of “modified risk product”
15 Feb 2012 New York State Sales Amends tobacco product distribution law to include e‐cigarettes in definition of prohibited sales to minors273 A09044B to prohibit the sale of e‐cigarettes to minors 5 Sept 2012 No change
15 Feb 2013 Illinois Sales Amends definition of tobacco products to include e‐cigarettes and prohibits sales to youth274 HB2250 to prohibit the sale of e‐cigarettes to minors Died, 4 Dec 2014 Senate removed e‐cigarettes from the definition of tobacco products and defined alternative nicotine products; no further action taken as Illinois passed Senate version of bill
15 Feb 2013 Illinois Sales Prohibits sales and distribution of alternative nicotine products to minors55 SB1756 to prohibit the sale of “alternative nicotine products” to minors 15 Aug 2013 No change
22 Feb 2013 California SF Amends clean indoor air law to include e‐cigarettes in definition of tobacco product104 SB648 to prohibit e‐cigarette use wherever conventional cigarettes are prohibited Died, 2 July 2014 Defined e‐cigarettes as devices that provide an inhalable dose of nicotine by delivering a vaporized solution; removed any restrictions on where e‐cigarettes were used or advertised and merely restricted the sale of e‐cigarettes in vending machines unless the vending machines were in adult‐only venues that are permitted to sell alcohol
20 Mar 2013 New York City Sales Amends youth access law to prohibit sales to minors and young adults275 Local law 94 to prohibit sales of cigarettes and tobacco products to individuals under 21 years of age 22 Nov 2013 Law strengthened to include e‐cigarettes in the definition of tobacco product, and restricts their sale to individuals under 21 years of age
15 Aug 2013 Duluth Sampling Amends law to prohibit indoor use of e‐cigarettes in any establishment with a tobacco retail license48 Ord. 13‐058‐O to prohibit sampling of e‐cigarettes in tobacco and e‐cigarette retail stores 9 Sept 2013 No change
15 Aug 2013 Duluth SF Amends definition of smoking to include e‐cigarettes48 Ord. 13‐059‐O to prohibit e‐cigarette use in public places, workplaces, bars, restaurants, outdoor dining and bars areas, and within 15 feet of entrances 9 Sept 2013 No change
15 Aug 2013 Duluth TRL Amends definition of tobacco product to include electronic smoking devices (e‐cigarettes, e‐hookahs, e‐cigars, e‐pipes)48 Ord. 13‐060‐O to prohibit sales to minors, require a tobacco retail license, prohibit vending machine sales 9 Sept 2013 No change
9 Sept 2013 Chicago Sales Amend definition of tobacco product from “any product containing tobacco leaf” to “any product… in any form containing nicotine derived from tobacco”276 Ord. SO2013‐6160 to prohibit sale of “alternative nicotine products” to minors 14 Jan 2014 Law strengthened to change definition of tobacco product to include e‐cigarettes, require retailers to obtain a tobacco retail license, prohibit self‐service displays, and include e‐cigarettes in existing smokefree provisions, prohibiting their use in workplaces, public places, restaurants, and bars
Exempts nicotine‐free e‐cigarette use for theatrical performances; exempts e‐cigarette retail stores, retail tobacco stores, and designated hotel/motel rooms (<25%)
23 Oct 2013 Los Angeles TRL Amend definition of tobacco product in tobacco retailer licensing ordinance to include products containing nicotine derived from tobacco or synthetic nicotine54 Ord. 182823 to prohibit sales to minors, require retail tobacco license, prohibit self‐service displays, require vendor‐assisted sales 4 Dec 2013 Law strengthened to change definition of tobacco product from products containing “biologically active amounts of nicotine” to “nicotine derived from tobacco or synthetic nicotine…[intended] to be introduced into the human body”
4 Dec 2013 New York City SF Amend smokefree law to include e‐cigarettes and prohibit their use wherever smoking is prohibited47 Local law 152 to prohibit e‐cigarette use in public places, workplaces, restaurants, bars, parks and beaches; exempts use in hotel/motel rooms, retail tobacco and e‐cigarette stores, enclosed rooms in private events, residential health care facilities in separate enclosed rooms, designated outdoor dining areas 18 Dec 2013 Exempts use for theatrical performances
4 Dec 2013 Los Angeles SF Amend definition of smoking to electronic smoking devices (e‐cigarettes, e‐hookah, e‐cigar, e‐cigarillo, e‐pipe) and prohibit their use wherever smoking is prohibited54 Ord. 182921 to prohibit e‐cigarette use in public places, workplaces, restaurants including outdoor dining, bars, farmers markets, beaches, parks, exemptions for dining areas in age‐restricted bars 4 Mar 2014 Exemptions for use in theatrical performances and in e‐cigarette retail stores, failed attempt to exempt bars and nightclubs
13 Jan 2014 California Sales Amend tobacco sales law to include e‐cigarettes but does not define e‐cigarettes as tobacco products277 AB1500 to prohibit Internet sales to minors Died, 30 Nov 2014 No change
14 Feb 2014 Illinois Sales Amend poison prevention packaging law to require child‐proof packaging for e‐cigarettes278 HB5689 to require electronic cigarette cartridges and liquids sold and marketed for the refilling of e‐cigarette cartridges to be sold only in special packaging and Illinois Department of Public Health to provide child‐proof packaging standards 22 Aug 2014 Language removed that required Illinois Department of Public Health to develop mandatory guidelines
6 Feb 2014 New York State SF Amend definition of smoking to include e‐cigarettes279 S06562b to prohibit e‐cigarette use wherever smoking is prohibited; smoking means the burning of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or any other matter or substance which contains tobacco, including using electronic cigarettes or a device that vaporizes nicotine or any other substance Died, 20 June 2014 Amended to permit indoor use in e‐cigarette retail stores and for promotional events to mirror amendments in the New York City law
27 Feb 2014 Minnesota SF Amend definition of smoking to include e‐cigarette use280 SF2027/HF1931 to prohibit e‐cigarette use wherever smoking is prohibited; smoking defined as inhaling or exhaling vapor from any heated cigar, cigarette, or pipe, or any other heated tobacco or plant product or electronic delivery device 5 May 2014 Bill significantly weakened to prohibit e‐cigarette use in public schools and government buildings

Definitions: Sales = sales restrictions (restrictions on sales, including packaging, minimum age requirements, and outright bans); SF = smokefree; Sampling = bans on product sampling in retail stores; TRL = tobacco retail licensing requirements.