Sl. No | Author | Year | Age/ Sex | Location | Primary Symptoms and Signs |
Clinical findings | Treatment | Follow-up |
1. | Henny [6] | 1949 | 3mo/M | Anterior part of right maxilla | A small lump in anterior part of the right maxilla for one month |
Firm, well-circumscribed mass with extension posteriorly to the palate and laterally to the cheek | Initial Incision Later: Electorocaguation |
No recurrence after 2 years and 3 month |
2. | Blake and Blake [7] | 1956 | 26y/M | First molar area of left mandible |
A lesion on the ridge of first molar area in the left mandible no pain for one month |
A soft tissue mass of the first molar area in the left mandible lobular in appearance, round in shape, red in colour |
Initial: Incision Later: "Removal | No recurrence after 2 years and 4 mo |
3. | Quinn et al., [8] | 1970 | 65 y/M | Maxillary and mandiblar gingiva |
Multiple lesions in the oral cavity for 1 month |
Multiple pedunculated superficially ulcerated large hemorrhagic friable lesion in the gingiva, painless |
Excision, Radiotherapy | Died after 1 mo and 3 Weeks (unknown) |
4. | Albright et al., [9] | 1970 | 34 y/M | Anterior part of right mandible |
A gingival mass in the right mandible for three month |
An elevated hyperemic lobulated tumour on the lingual gingiva between the mandiblar right canine and premolar teeth |
Initial: excision Later: wide removal | No recurrence after 6 months |
5. | Piscioli et al., [10] | 1986 | 86 y/F | Gingiva of the left mandibular molar area |
A gingival mass for one week |
A soft hemorrhagic nodule on the gingival of left mandibular molar area |
Excision | Died after 1 month (heart failure) |
6. | Carr and Green [11] | 1986 | 66 y/M | Right maxillary gingiva |
Bleeding from the gingival for 10 days | A large rubbery friable hemorrhagic mass on a broad base arising from the edentulous alveolus between the upper right canine and second molar teeth |
Unknown | Died (metastases) |
7. | Kashima et al., [12] | 1994 | 39 y/M | Anterior part of right mandible |
Pain for 10 months | Ulcer between the lower right central inclsor and the right lateral incisor |
Mandibulectomy | Died after 3 years and 1 mo (metastasis) |
8. | Kashima et al., [12] | 1994 | 7 y/F | Left mandible | A painless mass for one month | Mass between the lower left lateral incisor and first molar teeth, dark violet in colour |
Initial: Excision Later: Mandibulectmy |
Died after 1 year and 1 month (metastasis) |
9. | Margiotta et al., [13] | 1994 | 62 y/M | Right mandible | A mass in the right mandible |
An ovoid, sessile, ill-defined mass, painless |
Excision | Unknown |
10. | Muffoz et al., [14] | 1998 | 68 y/M | Right mandible | A mass in the right retromolar trigone for one week |
A non-ulcerated sessile slightly painful mass in the right retromolar trigone, brown in colour |
Partial mandibulectomy | Died (recurrence) |
11. | Abdullah et al., [15] | 2000 | 60 y/F | Mandibluar gingiva |
A slight elevated reddish-blue nodule in the oral cavity | A reddish-blue nodular mass on the lower Anterior gingiva |
Refusal | Unknown |
12. | Florescu M [3] | 2005 | 70 y/M | Alveolar crest of mandible |
The tumour was soft, white-gray colour, with disseminated areas of hemorrhage |
A nodular mass, with undefined limits and maximum diameter of 4 cm. | Unknown | Unknown |
13. | Uchiyama et al., [4] | 2009 | 59 y/M | Left maxilla | Bleeding and swelling of the left maxillary gingiva for few months |
A regular mass around the left upper molar area, violet in color |
Initial: maxillotomy and chemotherapy. Later: boron neutron therapy and lymphokine activated killer cells treatment |
No recurrence after 3 y |
14. | Terada T [1] | 2011 | 77y/F | Mandibular gingiva posterior to the front tooth |
- | Polypoid reddish mass measuring 1.5 x 1.5 x 1cm in the mandibular gingival posterior to the front tooth | Radical operation | Unknown |
15. | Sumida T [17] | 2012 | 55y/F | Anterior region of the mandibular gingival |
The epulis was a soft exophytic nodular mass, with well defined limits and a maximum diameter of 10 mm |
The tumour was soft, whitepink in colour, with easy bleeding. | The operation was performed with about a 20-mm surgical margin that was negative for tumour invasion. |
4-year follow-up, no metastatic lesions have been found |
16. | Aditya A [18] | 2012 | 75y/F | Gingival growth in the right maxillary region | Pain was present for the last 15 days; however, she could not indicate the onset and duration of the growth. |
A lobulated, sessile mass involving the gingival and alveolar mucosa in the maxillary right molar region. The mass was 3 cm, soft to firm in consistency and slightly tender, with moderate bleeding. |
The patient declined any therapy | Unknown |
17. | Present case | 2016 | 30 y/F | Mandibular anterior gingiva | The growth started 2 months ago, as a small sessile painless growth progressively increased to attain the size of 3×3 cm | soft sessile growth arising from the labial gingiva in relation to 31 and 41 on the labial aspect extending distal to 32 | The operation was performed with about a 20-mm surgical margin that was negative for tumor invasion | 2 years follow-up, no recurrence and metastatic lesions were found. |