(a) Photomicrographs of acute SDH of <24 hrs duration is showing fresh hemorrhage with intact red blood cells. There is acute hemorrhage with alarge number of neutrophils seen on the dural side. (H&E x200) (H&E-hematoxylin and eosin). (b) Acute SDH (24-48hrs)-There is acute hemorrhage with fibrin infiltration. Many neutrophils (4+grade) and a few macrophages are seen (PAS, x400) (PAS-Periodic acid-Schiff) (c) Photomicrograph of SDH (4 days old) showing hemophagocytosis (Masson’s trichrome x1000) (d) Photomicrograph of SDH (4 days old) showing hemophagocytosis (PAS x1000) (PAS-Periodic acid-Schiff). (e) Photomicrograph showing hemosiderin-laden macrophages in the SDH-6 day old. (Prussian blue-reaction x400) (f) Photomicrograph showing SDH (6 days old) having a 3-5 cells thick layer of fibroblastsat the dural-clot interface. (H&E, x400) (H&E-hematoxylin and eosin). (g) Photomicrograph showing SDH 8 days old. Infiltration of the collagen into the hematoma can be observed (Masson’s trichrome, x200).