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. 2016 Jun 22;6(4):317–327. doi: 10.1159/000446547

Table 1.

AP and HR in anesthetized rats

C-NNa C-HNa ACRF-NNa ACRF-HNa ANOVA effects, p value
(n = 9) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 8) adenine NaCl intake interaction
SAP, mm Hg 138±18 134±11 181±23 206±16 <0.001 n. s. <0.05
DAP, mm Hg 91±12 91±8 114±8 129±11 <0.001 <0.05 <0.05
PP, mm Hg 48±7 43±5 68±18 77±7 <0.001 n. s. n. s.
MAP, mm Hg 110±14 108±9 138±12 159±13 <0.001 <0.05 <0.01
HR, beats/min 304±22 286±26 300±21 285±23 n. s. <0.05 n. s.

Data are derived from clearance experiments on isoflurane-anesthetized animals performed approximately 10-12 weeks after the beginning of the study (see Methods). All animals received chow with a normal (0.6%) NaCl content from the beginning of the study until 2 weeks prior to the clearance experiments, when the animals were randomized to either remain on the same diet (NNa) or be switched to high-NaCl (4%) chow (HNa). Values are means ± SD. Main effects and between-factor interaction from two-factorial ANOVA are presented. HR = Heart rate; n. s. = not significant.