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. 2016 Sep 13;15(1):468. doi: 10.1186/s12936-016-1523-z

Table 3.

Distribution and associations between epidemiological and operational factors among secondary case and non-secondary case from RACD

Variable Non-secondary case
(n = 1489)
Secondary case
(n = 6)
No. (%) No. (%)
 Age category (years)
  ≤15 481 99.8 1 0.2 0.151
  16–30 362 98.9 4 1.1
  31–45 356 99.7 1 0.3
  46+ 290 100 0 0.0
  Female 836 100 0 0.0 0.007
  Male 653 99.1 6 0.9
 Education of household head
  No school 40 100 0 0.0 0.450
  Primary school 481 99.8 1 0.2
  Secondary school 670 99.3 5 0.7
  Tertiary school 298 100 0 0.0
 Occupation category
  Unemployed 281 100 0 0.0 0.010
  Not forest-related job 847 99.9 1 0.1
  Forest-related job 361 98.6 5 1.4
 Wealth index ( quintile)
  1st 295 99.7 1 0.3 0.796
  2nd 306 99.7 1 0.3
  3rd 302 99.3 2 0.7
  4th 444 99.8 1 0.2
  5th 142 99.3 1 0.7
  Lembah Seulawah 525 99.4 3 0.6 0.917
  Kuta Cot Glie 374 99.7 1 0.3
  Lhoong 511 99.6 2 0.4
  Indrapuri 79 100 0 0.0
  Lhoknga n/a n/a n/a n/a
Clinical history
 Reported fever in previous 2 weeks
  No 1445 99.7 4 0.3 0.013
  Yes 44 95.7 2 4.3
Prevention and behaviours
  No 1340 99.8 3 0.2 0.016
  Yes 149 98.0 3 2.0
 Bed net ownership
  No ITN 499 99.2 4 0.8 0.289
  <1 ITN/2 people 712 99.7 2 0.3
  ≥1 ITN/2 people 278 100 0 0.0
 Slept under bed net previous night
  No 658 99.3 5 0.7 0.094
  Yes 831 99.9 1 0.1
 House spraying in previous 1 year
  No 1381 99.6 6 0.4 0.493
  Yes 108 100 0 0.0
 Slept outside house last night
  No 1459 99.6 6 0.4 0.725
  Yes 30 100 0 0.0
Forest exposure and environment
 Workplace near or in forest
  No 1027 100 0 0.0 <0.0001
  Yes, overnights not required 273 100 0 0.0
  Yes, overnights required 189 96.9 6 3.1
  Distance workplace to forest (n = 462)
   In forest 209 97.2 6 2.8 0.085
   <1 km 191 100 0 0.0
   1–5 km 59 100 0 0.0
   >5–10 km 3 100 0 0.0
 Visited forest in the last month
  No 1241 99.9 1 0.1 0.001
  Yes 248 98.0 5 2.0
  Main reason (n = 253)
   Residence 108 99.1 1 0.9 0.430
   Work 111 96.5 4 3.5
   Other reason 29 100 0 0.0
  Median visit (days), range (n = 253) 30 (1–30) 14 (4–30) 0.596
  Low transmission 734 99.7 2 0.3 0.688
  High transmission 793 99.5 4 0.5
 Reported living near water bodies
  No 633 99.7 2 0.3 0.650
  Yes 856 99.5 4 0.5
 Reported living near or in forest
  No 712 99.7 2 0.3 0.689
  Yes 777 99.5 4 0.5
 Housing quality
  Good 831 99.6 3 0.4 0.858
  Moderate 335 99.4 2 0.6
  Poor 323 99.7 1 0.3
RACD and index case level factors
 Distance from home of index case
  At the same house 203 98.1 4 1.9 0.020
  <100 m 926 99.8 2 0.2
  100–499 m 319 100 0 0.0
  ≥500 m 41 100 0 0.0
 Population coverage of RACD
  <90 % 429 99.1 4 0.9 0.062
  ≥90 % 1060 99.8 2 0.2
 Time from report of index case to RACD
  At the same day 45 100 0 0.0 0.804
  1–7 days 1388 99.6 6 0.4
  >7 days 56 100 0 0.0
 Age category of index case (years)
  ≤15 18 100 0 0.0 0.715
  16–30 770 99.5 4 0.5
  30–45 655 99.7 2 0.3
 Gender of index case
  Female 63 100 0 0.0 0.607
  Male 1426 99.6 6 0.4
 Occupation category of index case
  Not forest-related job 393 99.5 2 0.5 0.658
  Forest-related job 1096 99.6 4 0.4